With the Met Office forecasting largely dry and sunny weather between August 27 and 29, it is seriously tempting to squeeze in some time on the beach.
But before heading out, remind yourself of the best ways to stay safe while enjoying the UK’s coastline. It can be stunning one moment and scary the next.
Claire Hughes, Director of HM Coastguard, said: “Regardless of how well you know the coast, or how experienced you are in your chosen sport, the sea can still catch you out, the cliffs can prove treacherous and even a momentary lapse of concentration can put you into difficulty.
“We will always respond to those in need but please remember the choices you make may put you and the people you care about at risk.
“Enjoy the final days of summer but stay safe and call 999 if you need us.”
We're providing 15 tips to avoid a Bank Holiday weekend from hell. Take a moment to read them – they could help save a life.
1 Be prepared
Make sure you check weather and tides before you set out, wear appropriate clothing and footwear. Always take a phone or other means of calling help. If you’re heading for a swim, go to a lifeguarded beach.
2 Float to Live
The RNLI recommends following five simple steps if you’re struggling in the water. These are:
- fight your instinct to thrash around
- lean back, extending your arms and legs
- gently move your arms and legs to float if you need to
- float until you control your breathing
- only then call 999, shout for help or swim to safety
3 Leave inflatable boats and toys at home or take them to a pool
Blow-up boats and toys can be easily swept out to sea, especially in an offshore wind – when the wind is blowing from land out to sea. Our advice is to leave them at home – they are safer to use in swimming pools.
If it does happen, stay with the inflatable, shout for help and wave your arms. Make sure someone on the shore is keeping an eye out.
4 Keep a close eye on your children
Ensure that your children are well supervised at the coast. Agree a recognisable meeting point in case people become disorientated. You may want to take advantage of local wristband schemes for younger children.
5 Do not encourage tombstoning or bow to peer pressure
There’s a reason it’s called "tombstoning". Jumping from piers, cliffs, rocks or other structures into the sea can be very dangerous.
You do not know what’s lurking under the water until you are hurt, or worse. Cold water shock can take hold and currents can sweep people away.
Do not bow to peer pressure or set a dangerous example for young children.
6 Swim parallel to the beach and be wary of currents
Swim on a lifeguarded beach if you can and stay within your depth. Swim parallel to the shore.
If you get caught in a strong current or rip current try to stay as calm as you can, raise your hand and shout for help. Hold on to your surf or body board if you have one.
If you cannot get help, try and swim parallel to the beach until you’re out of trouble then swim to the shore. If you can stand up, wade instead of swimming.
7 Follow our safety advice on coastal paths
Remember to wear sturdy shoes or boots and check the weather forecast and tidal times before you set out. Carry a mobile phone and tell someone where you are going and what time you will be home.
Do not attempt to climb up or down cliffs unless you are properly equipped and trained to do so.
Do not attempt to climb cliffs as a short cut back to the top.
8 Beware of cliff falls
You should not stand less than the height of the cliff away when you’re at the bottom of a cliff face. That means that if the cliff is 25 metres high, do not go closer than 25 metres towards it.
The cliffs along the UK coastline are continually eroding, with pieces falling from them that can be just a few small rocks or as large as a car. It’s impossible to predict when the next piece might fall or how big it will be.
Do not take unnecessary risks on cliff edges or at the base of cliffs.
9 Wear a personal flotation device if you need to
Lifejackets are appropriate for those on a sailing yacht or motor cruiser or when going ashore in a yacht tender. Buoyancy aids are suitable where there is a chance you will get wet; kayakers, canoeists, rowers, dinghy sailors, personal watercraft (PWC) riders and the like should wear buoyancy aids as recommended by their sport’s national governing body.
All buoyancy aids and lifejackets should be regularly maintained. Check with an expert, instructor or the manufacturer if you’re unsure about what’s right for you.
10 Keep your dog on a lead and leave animal rescues to the experts
Dog walkers should stay away from cliff edges, which can be crumbly or slippery when wet. Keep your dog on a lead near cliffs.
If a pet is being washed out to sea, do not attempt a rescue yourself. You're likely to get into difficulty. Many dogs return to shore alive but some owners do not.
As always, call 999 and ask for the Coastguard.
11 Stay calm if you get stuck in mud
Stay calm, try and spread your weight as much as possible and avoid moving. Call 999 and ask for the Coastguard.
Anybody trapped should also discourage other well-meaning members of the public from attempting to rescue them because without the proper equipment they could become stuck too.
12 Surf at lifeguarded beaches and with instructors if needed
Wherever possible, surf at a lifeguarded beach and follow the advice of the lifeguards. If you’re a beginner, never hire a surfboard without being given instruction or a lesson from an approved British Surfing Association or International Surfing Association school or qualified instructor. Surf between the black and white flags.
Always wear a leash to prevent you from losing your surfboard (or body board). For you, your board is a safety device, for other water users it is a lethal weapon. If you get into trouble never abandon your board - it will keep you afloat. Wave your hand and shout for help.
Always surf with others, don’t surf between the red and yellow flags and never drop in on another surfer.
13 Do not mix alcohol and the sea
The sea and alcohol do not mix. We advise against setting out to sea if you have been or are drinking alcohol. If you have been drinking, your judgement will be impaired and you will be more likely to make mistakes, which at sea could be life-threatening. Alcohol is a contributory factor in a significant number of coastal drownings every year.
14 Plan ahead for paddleboarding
If you’re going paddleboarding, cold water shock does not discriminate – it can be dangerous for experienced paddleboarders and beginners alike.
Ideally wear a wet suit, a flotation device and a leash so you can stay with your board. Stick to one person per board.
We recommend checking the tides and conditions in advance, as well as having someone with you in case you need help. But if you go alone, tell someone where you’re going, when you expect to return and always carry a charged-up mobile phone in a waterproof bag so you’re always able to make contact.
15 Call 999 and ask for the Coastguard in an emergency
Perhaps the most important tip of all – if you find yourself in an emergency, or spot someone else in trouble at the coast or in the water, call 999 and ask for the Coastguard.
Do not assume someone else has made the call.