Working together in the fight against Covid-19

Working together in the fight against Covid-19

HM Coastguard is playing its part during these unprecedented and challenging times by providing help and support to other emergency services, local authorities and NHS bodies in the fight against Covid-19.
Mutual aid

By providing mutual aid to other category one responders we are supporting frontline services, providing help to the vulnerable in our communities and supporting government policy.

This weekend, coastguard rescue teams from across the UK were asked through local resilience forums to provide high visibility patrols of beaches and coastal hotspots and report back to local police forces, noting any incidents or large groups of people.

A total of 25 teams from North Wales, Essex, Devon and Cornwall took part, all helping ensure the safety of those on the beaches.

But it’s not just those in the emergency services who can make a difference – everyone can play a part during this coronavirus pandemic simply by remembering to #StayHomeSaveLives.





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